What is FEcomS?
FecomS stands for Federation of E commerce sellers , this is a non – profit organization of like minded online sellers.
If we are selling on social media/ our own website are we allowed to be FEcomS members?
Yes. Any seller using digital platform to sell his product / services can become a member of FEcomS.
What are the advantages of the fecom community?
Offering a family type environment where sellers can share their best practices, concerns, apprehensions, growth plans etc.
What kind of events FEcomS conducts?
FEcomS regularly organises its seller’s meet in person and through digital platforms where besides meet and greet, key issues are discussed. FEcomS invites various experts from market places and service providers like unicommerce, e-vanik, Payoneer, DHL, Tally, GST experts, Taxation experts, Website Developers, Digital marketeers etc in its events for the benefit of its members.
Does FEcomS give personalized consultation ?
FEcomS as an organisations is not into professional consultancy business. But the members are too happy to help each other and share their knowledge and expertise with others. Members also share journey of e-commerce under “my story” initiative which provides a peep into best practices and problem solving initiatives undertaken by members for the benefit of others.
How FEcomS works?
FEcomS has a core committe comprising of 6 members and a working committee of 20-25 members who works on various aspects.
The major communication channels for members are 2 WhatsApp group, Telegram, Twitter handle, Instagram, Facebook page, LinkedIn ID and it’s own website.
The major communication channels for members are 2 WhatsApp group, Telegram, Twitter handle, Instagram, Facebook page, LinkedIn ID and it’s own website.
Does international sellers can join it?
Yes , FEcomS is continuously working to take its members to cross border trade.
Why a need for federation for online sellers?
To serve the same purpose which any other trade association does.
Employee of any ecom company can join Fecom?
Not as a member but they can be invited to address an ongoing agenda.
Can our entire team be part of the personal network(telegram) of FEcomS?
This can be considered on case to case basis. This forum is generally for business owners but key stake holders of a business can be added.
How FEcomS can help sellers?
FEcomS offers a platform to all online sellers in cross learning from each other’s experiences. This offers a handholding and encouragement to sellers struggling with various day to day operational issues as well as specific problems.
FEcomS also aspires to be the voice of all online sellers in highlighting genuine issues of various sellers and policy related matters with market places, Govt agencies, trade bodies and media etc.
Does FEcomS provide any loans?
No. FEcomS is not in any kind of financing business. However, it is possible to act as a collective body of online seller members and negotiates with banks / NBFCs to get a better deal. FEcomS is ever available to drive any such initiatives which benefits its members.
Can we raise the funds with help of FEcomS?
As said above, it is possible. But FEcomS can not stand any guarantee for and on behalf of any member. Its role shall be limited that of a facilitator and joint negotiator.
How does it actually work?
It has been explained above.
Why its important to part of community?
For an individual it is difficult to keep up the pace with the dynamically changing e commerce ecosystem. Being part of community, not only keeps us updated , but also brings clarity and direction on most of the matters.
Online selling is still new. People with various background are selling online. Some are full time and some are part time. Online retail is bound to get big. All offline has a Federation, who keeps on writing to govt. as per present situation govt is supporting offline, where as in every country govt supports online selling. Lets get together to form an active federation so that we can voice our concerns to govt as well.
Online selling is still new. People with various background are selling online. Some are full time and some are part time. Online retail is bound to get big. All offline has a Federation, who keeps on writing to govt. as per present situation govt is supporting offline, where as in every country govt supports online selling. Lets get together to form an active federation so that we can voice our concerns to govt as well.
Why its important to part of community?
For an individual it is difficult to keep up the pace with the dynamically changing e commerce ecosystem. Being part of community, not only keeps us updated , but also brings clarity and direction on most of the matters.
Online selling is still new. People with various background are selling online. Some are full time and some are part time. Online retail is bound to get big. All offline has a Federation, who keeps on writing to govt. as per present situation govt is supporting offline, where as in every country govt supports online selling. Lets get together to form an active federation so that we can voice our concerns to govt as well.
Online selling is still new. People with various background are selling online. Some are full time and some are part time. Online retail is bound to get big. All offline has a Federation, who keeps on writing to govt. as per present situation govt is supporting offline, where as in every country govt supports online selling. Lets get together to form an active federation so that we can voice our concerns to govt as well.